Saturday, January 24, 2009

nandalaalaa-onnukonnu thunairukku

A beautiful melody.The first line tune sounds like a devotional song but that and that alone.Then starts raja's raja paattai. A straight melody. A new composition in the sense i am not finding any resemblance or to be precise i could not find any other raja's song to say this song is the derivative of that song.Pasaanguthanam illadha melodya rajatta mattum than ketka mudium.
KJJ : Gaandharva kural.Dominates the song with his voice and the music will take a back seat when he sings.I heard all of his songs,composed by all MDs.But when raja composes for him the aptness in the tune makes the song a bench mark for so many aspect of the music.
Flute:Raja kaiya vecha flutekku kondattamthan.This song is composed with some mind boggling flute pieces.In the charanam when the second line starts simultaneously a flute starts and the flute ends after the third line of the charanam is sung.That flute piece is making me mad.This is the first long piece of flute i am(to my knowledge) hearing in a raja song that run parallel to the vocal.Both are different melody(vocal+flute) but blend together.Whether this is called a counterpoint.Can somebody explain.

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